Veya Restaurant i North Hill Village

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North Hill Village 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-498-8392
Latitude: 18.2017294, Longitude: -63.0794507
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Kommentar 5

  • Zac Seidner

    Zac Seidner


    This is a must do for dinner in Anguilla! The food is based a course menu, although you can customize it a bit. The food is amazing here! Definitely one of the best places to eat in Anguilla. While I don’t believe there was a mandatory dress code, it feels very much “fine dine”. The setting at Veya is also one of the best of the experience, at night it looks like you are surrounded by a rainforest. If you are looking to try some great local food in Anguilla, don’t miss this spot for Dinner!

  • Paula Esprit

    Paula Esprit


    Fine dining ...beautiful place beautiful staff great food

  • Jennifer Borman

    Jennifer Borman


    We had one of (if not the) best meals of our trip here! Great atmosphere as well with live instrumentals. Be sure to enjoy a cocktail and the shrimp cigars-though you can't really go wrong with anything. We also had the leafy goat cheese salad and lobster with passion fruit mustard sauce-and mousse bars for dessert. I'm so glad I finally had the chance to try a johnny-cake!

  • Sherwin Richardson

    Sherwin Richardson


    Lovely atmosphere, live music ,friendly staff and great food.

  • Esther Gibofsky

    Esther Gibofsky


    The ambiance here is fantastic. We went on a Saturday night and there was live music in the bar downstairs. The restaurant is really beautiful and more high end then some of the other places on the island. The waiters are extremely helpful and polite and made accommodations as necessary for dietary issues. They even had some gluten free bread. I got the lobster and a delicious cocktail and a rosemary sorbet for dessert. I had heard that this place was over hyped bur we thought it was the best fine dining during our time on the island.

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