Tasty's AI

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South Hill, Anguilla, 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-584-2737
Latitude: 18.1966997, Longitude: -63.08464
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Kommentar 5

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    Tasty's and chef Dale Carty are a standard on Anguilla. Right on the main road overlooking Sandy ground, Tasty's had a great selection, local specials and good fun for just a snack or a drink. For folks that live here year round, Tasty's is a regular spot.

  • The Lokiman

    The Lokiman


    The only thing better than the food was the staff. If you want a relaxing evening and great food Tasty's is a must!!

  • Michael Wittich

    Michael Wittich


    Such a great spot. We arrived a little late to Anguilla and we're hungry nothing was open for lunch but Chef Dale opened his gate for us and served a great meal. The see ewfood salad was superb. Ended up going back for breakfast while there. Will certainly be back.

  • Ben Wright

    Ben Wright


    Love the food. Staff is very friendly and the atmosohere is comfortable. Great place to have a quiet dinner.

  • Tom Swanson

    Tom Swanson


    Just got back from a week in Anguilla and had a great time. Anguilla is open for business with plenty of restaurants open. Tasty's was open and the food was spectacular. We ate there twice because I couldn't get enough of their lobster pasta which is a treat for someone from the Pacific Northwest. Staff and food are the best! All they need are tourists looking for sparsely populated, spectacular beaches.

Nærmeste Restaurant:

Roy's Bayside Grill

Sandy Ground Road, Sandy Ground
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