Sydans i Sandy Ground Village

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Sandy Ground, Sandy Ground Village 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-729-1738
Latitude: 18.2022975, Longitude: -63.0899283
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Kommentar 5

  • The Lokiman

    The Lokiman


    Beautiful place to stay. Right on the beach Elvis's and Roys and Dad's and Johnnos close by

  • Ian Hope-Ross

    Ian Hope-Ross


  • Alberto Zorzi

    Alberto Zorzi


    Tutto funziona... ma l'arredo ed il resto è alquanto "vintage". Ad ogni modo. Se non avete pretese ma cercate solo una base d'appoggio ... va bene

  • lionel eric

    lionel eric


    Nice location, apartments pond side, or villa sea side.

  • Charles Hetzel

    Charles Hetzel


    The staff is friendly...monthly rate can be pretty good. For 85.00 per night you get a porch facing a huge salt pond kitchen with all appliances modern air conditioning one large bed or two twins.modern bathroom with old fashioned Caribbean walk in shower and wifi and cable t.v. somewhat cluttered but comfortable first floor lounge. When I arrived it appears my room was superficially tidied up but two days later a super nice and effective clean up crew made the place shine and they ordered the outside common areas. Sandy ground is beautifully local with water as pure and see thru as Bermuda Or Magen bay in st Thomas. Excellent food and service at Roy's and the only breakfast...delicious Johnny cakes...excellent Cobb salad. Free loungers if you eat here or at Elvis ' . Elvis's also has excellent food and drinks. He is a Celtics/patriots fan. Lunch and dinner and light snacks. The Banks are wonderful owners of.They Sandbar which specializes in their own drink...the sandbar! They feature delicious salads and tapped. Some of the staff were indifferent and simply plunked the food in front of me and refused my request for a pen so I could write the owners a message with info they had requested earlier when I met them at Roy's. I recommended they hire Gina from Roy's to add some personality on the staff. Local Anguillans have always been very friendly as proven by the staff at Roy's...Elvis's... and Ripple's where I had a delicious local Coconut cream pie after getting tired of being ignored by the waitress at sandbar. Did I mention that the Banks are enthusiastic owners celebrating the fourth year of operations and I noted that they worked well with the staff from Anguilla Sydans is a bargain...especially by the month if you ask for a monthly rate...two doors to the left of Sydans is is Sea view apartments which are brand new...only four perhaps....immaculate lawns flowers and paint job Again Sydans could use professional help on the bright green trim that bleeds IMO the white walls too often....and white spots on the concrete should be whitewashed over. The difference between Sydans and sea view is in size...about four units I guess at Seaview and 10 units at Sydans and paint jobs. However sea view did not offer about 40% off the monthly rate when I asked for a monthly rate as Mrs Edwards did for me. Food prices are high and there is no local grocery store nor busses. Rentals start at 35.00 per day for cars and a ten minute ride to the airport was$16.00.. dollars....that is the only downside. For great people and Caribbean culture intact you can't beat sandy ground...Calmest and clearest water on earth and no huge step up coming out...perfect for kids and for any of you over 72 agers with new knees..shoulders and hips like me.

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