La Vue Boutique Inn AI

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2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-3000
Latitude: 18.1938575, Longitude: -63.0942001
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Kommentar 5




    More than a home away from home, an experience worth living

  • Angel Hernandez

    Angel Hernandez


    Good service. No breakfast included. A little run down.

  • Michael Seepersaud

    Michael Seepersaud


    Best place to stay if you visit The Valley. Disappointed that we could not get breakfast although this was advertised.

  • Tom Swanson

    Tom Swanson


    We just got back from a weeks vacation in Anguilla and stayed at La Vue. We got a great rate because electricity and water were off 6 hours a day but while we were there this was corrected and everything is now up and running. Wifi is also running great. We had a great, large third floor room with a view of Sandy Ground. Tasty's, Elvis's, Roy's, Dolce Vita, and the Sandbar were all open so we had plenty of choices. We also ate at Ocean Echo on the west end as well at Gwen's and Tropical Sunset on the east. The beaches are open but sparsely populated. If you are thinking of getting out of the cold for a week this winter, Anguilla is open for tourists and you will have a great time. I would recommend contacting La Vue.

  • Louis Atu-Tetuh

    Louis Atu-Tetuh


    Very quiet place with very friendly staff. Great views, big clean rooms. Fully equipped kitchen. My only problem, no restaurant on site.

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