Carimar Beach Club i Meads Bay

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Meads Bay 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6881
Latitude: 18.1854204, Longitude: -63.1346301
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Kommentar 5

  • Tess Martin

    Tess Martin


    Most comfortable and best value hotel I have stayed at on the island of Anguilla. Huge condo style rooms as opposed to small hotel rooms with a full kitchen, living room, dining room, two bedrooms and two bathrooms with balcony that overlooks the ocean. Cannot be beat.

  • JR Lawes

    JR Lawes


    When you find it you don't need to look any further

  • Moira Topalian

    Moira Topalian


    Beautiful yet warm and welcoming, Carimar Beach Club is exactly what Caribbean living should be! The most beautiful beach at your feet and the most lovely service you can imagine.

  • Kristi Lynn

    Kristi Lynn


    Everything about my experience at Carimar was perfection. My boyfriend and I loved our suite and it's close proximity to the beautiful beaches. The staff was friendly and always extremely helpful. Everything about our time here has been wonderful. We are planning to be back very soon!

  • Tess Martin

    Tess Martin


    Went in March and loved it. The beach is awesome and looks like a giant swimming pool - white sand and clear blue water. The villas have their own kitchens so we didn't have to go out for every meal so that saved us money. It was nice and cool with the breezes and a/c at night, so we were quite comfortable. Blanchards Beach Shack was right next door for quick and cheap lunches and dinners and cool drinks. Will be back.

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