Malliouhana, an Auberge Resort i British West Indies

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Meads Bay British West Indies Ai, British West Indies 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 877-733-3611
Latitude: 18.187647, Longitude: -63.134437
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Fatio

    Alex Fatio


    The Malliouhana Resort was simply one of my best hotel/resort experiences! From the colors, decorations and service, everything was on point. Before booking this resort I was between this resort and the Cap Juluca. I can definitely recommend this one over the Cap Juluca simply because it's on the right side of the island and offers you the Caribbean style and design (I did visit the Cap Juluca during my stay, it's definitely a good hotel but I didn't like that I was in the Caribbean and the hotel had a "Marrakesh" style to it, and on this side of the island you get a lot more wind). The hotel has the cutest lobby that I've ever seen. Perfectly with the turquoise color you already feel like you're in the blue ocean. Everyday at 4 pm they serve high tea for free at the lobby and it's just delicious and the perfect time to take a break during the already "busy" day. I felt very good at the hotel and I loved that the staff paid a lot of attention to detail. I can only recommend the Malliouhana Resort if you're looking for one of these vacations that you'll remember for your entire lifetime!

  • Drew King

    Drew King


    Spent an incredible week at this resort. It is a masterpiece. Only regret not staying longer. The photos online do not do Malliouhana justice. This place truly under-promises and over-delivers.

  • Pablo U

    Pablo U


    Hermoso hotel , geniales vistas

  • lionel eric

    lionel eric


    Newly renovated. Luxury hotel. Magic setting for dinner and cocktails. Beautifully decorated.

  • Nicholas Shanley

    Nicholas Shanley


    Went for dinner. The service was fantastic and the food was the best I have had on the island. With an unbeatable view of my favorite bay this is a must while on Anguilla

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