Zemi Beach i Shoal Bay Village, West Indies

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Shoal Bay East, Shoal Bay Village, West Indies 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-584-0001
Hjemmeside: www.zemibeach.com
Latitude: 18.251474, Longitude: -63.036723
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Kommentar 5

  • Karoll Sanchez

    Karoll Sanchez


    Let me start by saying the this island does not need any captions at all. Its beauty is absolutely stunning and the tranquility is nothing less but that. The small plane experience is something i can live without will definitely take the ferry next time uuff. When we arrived at the airport Natasha( Customer Service from our hotel) welcomed us with a warm smile and ensured our ride to the hotel was pleasant and safe. Natasha was genuinely friendly thought-out our stay. All the staff member were really friendly but Lilian made our days unique. She was always checking up to make sure we were good and she was not only friendly with us; i used to see her interacting with all the guest the same way and you can tell the loved her. Thanks Lilian for making our vacation more memorable we will definitely be back and hope to see at Zemi again. As far as the food I would have to agree is not the best food but not only at Zemi we tried many local restaurants and the food was pretty much the same. But who need gourmet food when you are in paradise. We went out to hang out with the locals and we had such a great time (Thank you Lili and Danny) for all you did for us. Not really much to see, Anguilla is still recovering from the hurricane. We had some hiccups during our stay but Mark make sure we got well compensated for it. Mark made sure we were well taken care of and he also helped me get my Pump for my asthma which i had lost prior to arriving at the hotel. i owe you my life literately . Everyone is really friendly. Overall i would definitely be back to Anguilla and Zemi Beach house will be my home. Rooms are very clean and you also get freshly baked cookies during the turn-around in the evening. So happy and accomplished i picked this Island as opposed to Hawaii for my 2018 getaway Vaca.

  • Nitzan Blouin

    Nitzan Blouin


    Paradise, incredible beaches and wonderful hospitality. The perfect beach vacation.

  • Brad Parks

    Brad Parks


    Don't go here for a meal. Everyone in our group of 10 agreed that the food is not very good. I hope the food is still in hurricane recovery mode. Someone else will need to update everyone. The property on the other hand looks amazing. The wow factor puts the four seasons to shame. We did not see the rooms but the outside pool area is very nice.

  • Sara Given

    Sara Given


    We went to the day spa while on our honeymoon the hotel accommodations were gorgeous. I would forgo the spa though. My husband was happy with his experience. I got the sun treatment. It was by far the most expensive and least enjoyable massage I have ever received. It felt very rushed and while receiving a scalp massage I started to develop a headache.

  • Andy Connor

    Andy Connor


    We went here for the food and few times and 9 times out of 10 it was really good. My wife likes the fish tacos. They're usually pretty small so we have to order two plates. She also likes the churros that they have for dessert. The hummus is good along with the different salads. The mixed drinks are always nice especially when you get to see the view of Shoal Bay - World's Best Beach!

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