Straw Hat Restaurant AI

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AI-2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-8300
Latitude: 18.1806998, Longitude: -63.1396823
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Wittich

    Michael Wittich


    Excellent meal with views. Had both breakfast and dinner there and would certainly be back.

  • Rod Speed

    Rod Speed


    Excellent food with a great ocean view.

  • stephen horn

    stephen horn


    Fantastic food, complimented by friendly staff, great service and superb location. Highly recommended.

  • Monika Nagpal

    Monika Nagpal


    Loved this place! Excellent burgers and very kind and attentive staff! Piña coladas are delicious too!! You definitely can't go wrong with this place!

  • Jennifer Borman

    Jennifer Borman


    Go here and get the grilled lobster. Do it! Great, fast service, and friendly staff. Nice location and views of the water. We had the spring rolls, which were great-but we are excited to come back to try the lobster tacos. The lobster is big enough to split.

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