Sol Gas Station i The Quarter

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The Quarter 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1-264
Latitude: 18.2146547, Longitude: -63.0493585
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Kommentar 5

  • Safayeat Hossain

    Safayeat Hossain


    ভালই তো

  • Luc Hanh

    Luc Hanh


    Avoid this one, Check out the gas station near the ferry, it's worth one block detour with excellent customer service.

  • aaDigital Solutions

    aaDigital Solutions


    Wow, it's a gas over lord.... is this any way to treat customers?.... Will avoid from now on

  • TMan



    Pay before pump, cash only, and a very grumpy cashier behind the glass window, sometimes there's a security guard. One pump per side is working, even there are two; one is locked up. As Jul/2017 it's 14.81 EC per gallon. Do use the exact amount, the grumpy cashier would short change tourists. It happened to us twice, first time we didn't pay attention, second time we asked, and the response we get is "I don't have enough US dollars or EC, take it or leave it" Wow, first time we encountered horrible service on the East End, we'll try another gas station not on our path.

  • Jervis Richardson

    Jervis Richardson


    Close early

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