Paradise Cove Resort i The Cove

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Paradise Drive, The Cove 00000, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6603
Latitude: 18.1736586, Longitude: -63.127784
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Kommentar 5

  • Lucia Emmanuel

    Lucia Emmanuel


    The food was excellent

  • Brian Bacot

    Brian Bacot


    What can be said about a pure staple. It’s a great hotel with a home like experience. I have been visiting for 8 years and have never been disappointed. Please take advantage of the short walk to the most beautiful pristine beach in the world ( while it lasts)

  • Beate Kovacs

    Beate Kovacs


    My son and I spent five days in Anguilla. Due to the aftermath of the hurricane our previously booked hotel wasn’t operating. Not being aware of this we were in despair. Thanks to Mrs Sherille Hughes and her wonderful staff we had a nice place to stay and added new friends! Our stay in Paradise Cove was a great experience due to such caring people who went beyond their jobs and duties to make us feel welcome!

  • Ken Aldonza

    Ken Aldonza


    No breakfast facility. Comfortable and spacious room with kitchenette.

  • Jo-Anne Mason

    Jo-Anne Mason


    Paradise Cove is an excellent choice if you are looking for a quiet reasonably priced accommodation. It is especially good for business travelers since it is located in the West End of the island close to major hotels and restaurants. Golf course is next door and Cove Bay is a short walk. The staff is very accommodating.

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