Ken's Pork BBQ i The Valley

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The Valley 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1-264
Latitude: 18.2144651, Longitude: -63.0532059
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Kommentar 5

  • Darlene Austin

    Darlene Austin


    Best damn sauce & crispy chicken every!

  • Osh Johnson

    Osh Johnson


    Very friendly staff, Food is affordable and delicious! Quite easy to find...will give a 6 stars rating if you ask me...

  • Trevor Queeley

    Trevor Queeley


    Top notch bbq with a bbq secrect sauce recipe that would send your tastes buds in a frenzy. Every visitor must stop and taste.

  • Carissa Jno Baptiste

    Carissa Jno Baptiste


    Great tasting. ...and the sauce is oohlala

  • Jackie Schultheis

    Jackie Schultheis


    This local food truck in the valley was outstanding. I was blown away by the fish sandwich. Anytime we drove by I had to stop by and see if they had it. The chicken and the ribs are amazing. We could have ate there everyday. The service was outstanding. The locals got up and gave us their chairs when there was no where to sit and the second time it had just rained and they came over and doubled up our chairs to make sure they were sturdy. We loved watching them play dominoes and the chef came out and shook our hands. It's seriously one of the best places to eat on the island.

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