Frangipani Beach Resort AI

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West End Village, Meads Bay, 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6442
Latitude: 18.180927, Longitude: -63.140713
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Kommentar 5

  • V.P. Barreras

    V.P. Barreras


    Having endured Hurricane Irma in the Leeward Islands, I wanted to return and support the area. Any resorts are still under repair but Frangipani opened in January. Beautiful location on the beach. The rooms are large comfortable and clean. The restaurant serves such amazing food I had dinner there every night. I highly recommend and hope to return someday soon.

  • Rick Falzon

    Rick Falzon


    We were there last May and we found the Frangipani the most splendid and inviting of resorts. The amenities were the best We have had and the staff the most accommodating and friendly that I have encountered. Scott and Shannon met us when we got there and made us feel right at home from the beginning of our trip and right up until the time they saw us off when we left. The beach was lovely and with a fantastic restaurant on the premises, it was all anyone could ask for. Also the boutique there was great too. I would and will recommend the Frangipani to all my friends and family. It was truly a great experience.

  • Scott Kircher

    Scott Kircher


    Gorgeous Beach, Service, and wonderful people. Free watersports, gorgeous infiniti pool and Straw Hat restaurant on site. The place cannot be beat on Anguilla.

  • Diane Holt

    Diane Holt


    The Frangipani beach resort is actually a 6 Star, outstand. We had the BEST time at this wonderful resort. We had not been there in 22 years it has been a family owned business, ran by family members and all they care about is you having the best enjoyable trip. Amazing group of people, fabulous staff and can't say enough about how wonderful it was.

  • Michelle Todd

    Michelle Todd


    This place is amazing!! Been all over the Caribbean and never had such an amazing time. We had 16 friends total staying at the Villa and the resort. This staff is incredible!! Beautiful beach, amazing food, best bedding, quaint resort that should not be missed. Can't wait to go back.

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