Cuisinart Resort Golf Course AI

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2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1-264
Latitude: 18.1774895, Longitude: -63.1214809
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Kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Butler

    Suzanne Butler


    CuisinArt Golf Resort & Spa, rated 4-1/2 stars, is home to a championship golf course that ranks with some of the best in the Caribbean. The scenic layout weaves through sea grape, thatched palm and mangrove thickets, and features an 80-foot elevation change and panoramic sea views. With its tidal lagoons, numerous ponds and onshore breezes, the course sets a worthy golfing challenge, while generous bail-out areas will help more wayward hitters.

  • Heidi Rittenhouse

    Heidi Rittenhouse


    Was skeptical after reading some questionable reviews, as it is a bit expensive, but NO REGRETS!!! I found the course to be impeccably maintained. Five tees to suit your skill level, fairways in great shape, greens fast as lightning. Great views, especially on the front nine. The staff is very friendly and accommodating and the rental clubs are top notch. High-end pro-shop with a great selection of mens' and womens' clothing. I visited in the off-season, and a morning round was about $225.... if you can stand the heat, play a little later for the twilight rate of $175. Bring your own golf balls as a sleeve of ProV1s is $22!!! If there is a down-side, it's the driving range... balls are old and the hitting area is very sandy, but the short game area and putting green are perfect! Don't miss out!!

  • Rob Bennison

    Rob Bennison


    Agree. Course not pristine, but nobody goes to Anguilla for an experience like Pebble Beach. The course is resort/vacation friendly. Wide open. Decent layout. Some fun and interesting holes. Nothing too tricky or challenging. Not well-manicured but good enough for a break from the beach. Staff are friendly and I have never seen it busy, so it is worth playing if you feel like a very casual round.

  • Jesse Hoffman

    Jesse Hoffman


    Poorly maintained. Driving range is sand and weeds. Weeds everywhere, driving range, fairways, greens. There might be one or two ocean views on the first couple of holes but nothing after that. I had high hopes coming here but there is nothing memorable about design, condition, or scenery.

  • Sashaesita



    This is a super luxury hotel. The room was amazing and perfect for a honeymoon. Walk in closet was like a guest room as it was super spacious with motion activated lights. Decor was perfect and the room cleeeaaaan and fresh. Only challenge was the noisy AC :(

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