Caribbean Seaview AI

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AI-2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-235-8337
Latitude: 18.2166761, Longitude: -63.018529
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Kommentar 5

  • Karon Carr

    Karon Carr


    AWESOME place to stay

  • Clement Ruan

    Clement Ruan


    Reasonable price and great location, as it is close to a major shopping area yet quiet for students and others wanting a quiet get-away.

  • Kennassa Dinard

    Kennassa Dinard


    Very comfortable

  • ice kool

    ice kool


    Very nice




    A great place to stay but too expensive. You will find many good places and bigger places compared to this. But this place is convenient because its located right next to the shopping center and bar n' grill and it is 20 min walk away from SJSM. If you have a car try to find another place because this place is not worth the money. Car is must on the island if you are a student or visitor. If you stay here for longterm make sure they give you your deposit back and read your lease and get a copy. I stayed there for a year and I lost a lot of money along with my deposit. The same happened to most of the tenants(my friends) that stayed there. Rent $600/month for the smallest room they have $800/month for their medium sized rooms $1000/month for their large rooms Visitors try to stay at viceroy or cuisine art.

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