Blanchards i Meads Bay

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Meads Bay 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6100
Latitude: 18.1841184, Longitude: -63.1356494
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Kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Borman

    Jennifer Borman


    Great food. A bit more on the expensive side but worth it for a nice outing or special occasion. My husband and I went here and tried and sampler. The crayfish was good, but the grouper was the best dish of the sampler-would go back and order the full dish. The cracked coconut dessert was amazing and just when you thought dinner was over-they treat you with delicious fresh toffee. Highly recommend!

  • richard burt

    richard burt


    Wide selection of finger very tasty finger foods

  • Fabio Bongianni

    Fabio Bongianni


    Best lunch..authenthic food

  • Kishaun Connor

    Kishaun Connor


    Great food in a nice time

  • Phillip Blatzheim

    Phillip Blatzheim


    My wife and I absolutely loved our brief stay in Anguilla. Our dinner at Blanchard's Restaurant and lunch at the beach shack were totally amazing. Being Gluten sensitive, my wife has difficulty finding places we can truly enjoy eating out. I must sat that Bob and Melinda and the entire Blanchard's family have created a wonderful place to do just that. My wife enjoyed the Kale Salad so much that she will be writing to request the recipe, since it is not in the cookbook "at blanchard's table" Can't wait to get back to Anguilla and this wonderful and amazing restaurant.

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