Belmond Cap Juluca i Anguilla

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Maundays Bay, Anguilla 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6666
Latitude: 18.164896, Longitude: -63.141769
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Kommentar 5

  • evelyn vidal

    evelyn vidal


    This is one of my favorite hotel , romantic and family oriented.

  • R K

    R K


    We stayed right before they closed for the renovations. I think the beach is the best on the island! I think the resort is decent size, with decent amenities. The room was ok, but the entire property is being renovated. As for me and my wife, we are coming back. The most important highlights of the trip: -The fact that all rooms face the beach -Crystal Clear beach water-waves are small if any -Your beach chairs are placed out every morning for you -Every umbrella has a red flag that you can let down to alert the beach attendant that you need - DRINKS! water, more towels, food, whatever you need will be there! This was the best! We are coming back in 2019!

  • Vitali Lapko

    Vitali Lapko


    Amazing hotel and the best beach I have ever seen

  • Marcus Phillips

    Marcus Phillips


    Never shall there be a more peaceful and relaxing place that mine eyes have beholden than Cap Juluca. As you are greeted when you arrive here with the kind expression of, "welcome home", it honestly feels that way. I truly fit into the later group of people, I seen listed in a blessing, written on a T-shirt at Irie Life, "May God bless the Locals and those who wish they were".

  • mona pop

    mona pop


    We've been here a couple of times and all though the location is simply beautiful and the beach is the best in Anguilla the rooms are very old and in need of renovation.. Last time we had to change the room because of the mildew smell. The club, main house and restaurant have been renovated and one of the villas but the other rooms are very old. For the high in season price I don't think we will come here soon. Three stars are for the beach and friendly staff.

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Blue Waters Beach Apartments

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