Arawak Beach Inn AI

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🕗 Åbningstider

2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-4888
Latitude: 18.259084, Longitude: -63.004924
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Kommentar 4

  • Mary Lammy

    Mary Lammy


    I went to Arawak Beach Inn on 6/25/17 to 6/30/2017. When I arrive the owner's daughter and her boyfriend greet us, then the boyfriend helped us to our room. The room was a upstairs type on bungalow room, without air conditioner, no coffee pot, no iron board and no microwave. We went there for a graduation and had to iron our cloths, at first I was told by the owner daughter that they don't allow electrical things in the rooms, and I would need to bring my cloths to the front and iron. The shower curtain had mildew, and room smell like it was locked up for a while. The tiles on the floor is broken in different spots, and the mesh on the windows is full of dirt. We also had a encounter with a bird that kept on trying to attack us whenever we went out on the balcony to get fresh air. At first we were very excited to see the bird then realize that the bird had a nest with babies right above us, so our presence was a threat at all times. Thursday the day before we leave the Island had a lot of rain no problem, but guess what the roof was leaking. The amount of money we paid and the service that we received was definitely not what was advertised. I would never recommend this place to anyone. Most of the locals spoke very ill of this place. While we were there we also notice that we were the only guest staying there. Now I understand why we were the only guest stayed there.

  • FranciscaHjlb Roberto TrinidadH

    FranciscaHjlb Roberto TrinidadH


  • Jim Baxter

    Jim Baxter


    My stay at Arawak was great! The staff was excellent, very personable. It was a home away from home. I stayed at Arawak for 10 days and then when the family arrived (wife and two children) we were at Cuisinart for a couple of weeks (reasonable for high end resort, but expensive). Arawak probably would not be my choice for the children but as a single or a couple it is delightful and puts you on the island. It is a great bargain at Arawak and the room is worth the price. Of the four locations I have been to on the island (the other locations were luxurious, very beautiful but a lot more money) I regard Arawak to be a great choice for the future. Side Note: I saw another review stating they had no air conditioning at Arawak. The room I was in had a very good air conditioner -perhaps not all the rooms have A.C.

  • Richard Le Valley

    Richard Le Valley


    I stayed here about ten years ago and was surprised they had no air. We slept with the windows and door opened and the ceiling fan on and were quite comfortable.. The owner was extremely personable. yes I'd stay there again.

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