Anguilla's Bird of Paradise i The Valley

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Sandy Hill Beach, The Valley 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 414-791-9461
Latitude: 18.2241994, Longitude: -63.0098813
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Kommentar 5

  • Andy Connor

    Andy Connor


  • Debra Allen

    Debra Allen


    Serene and clean.

  • Ruth Ashton-Ward

    Ruth Ashton-Ward


    Stunning property in secluded luxury. We got married there a few years ago and I would return in a heartbeat!

  • Joseph Jones

    Joseph Jones


  • Melody Brooks Dill

    Melody Brooks Dill


    Bird of Paradise has been named one of the top villas in the Caribbean. Owners are sensitive to the fact that not all guests have the same budget, so they offer a 5 star villa, but you have your choice of basic services or 5 star services including chef, butler, and even all-inclusive. You choose your price based on your budget. Four master suites all with a view, so no one gets cheated. Not just one, but two pools!

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