Anguilla Great House Beach Resort AI

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2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-6061
Latitude: 18.1784735, Longitude: -63.1118202
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Kommentar 5

  • Andy Connor

    Andy Connor


    We use to go here as a family on Sunday afternoons for their seafood crepe and fresh coconut water. The view from the beachfront restaurant is unmatched when you're looking out at Rendezvous Bay. It's definitely a must visit if they're still operating Post-Irma.

  • Rod Speed

    Rod Speed


    A simple and relaxing resort with a great and accommodating staff, good food reasonably priced and a great view of the beach from every room. The ocean is a two minute walk from each room. It's as close to the water as you can reasonably get. I plan to return soon.

  • Jason Weiss

    Jason Weiss


    This place hasn't had any updating or proper maintenance for too long. The door to our room had a plastic sheet in leu or glass windows. The room was outdated, with older linens, older aico that barley worked. The hotel was also hosting a party that was right outside of our room, and we weren't told until the moment we checked in. After several hours of listening to very loud guests and music we asked to be switched to a different place. We were moved to a villa that was mildly dirty, but much less noisy. After the whole experience, I would recommend that you stay elsewhere for the same money. The Great house is just not so great these days, maybe soon the owners will invest in the property and update it all.

  • Louis Atu-Tetuh

    Louis Atu-Tetuh


    If you can't stay at this resort, go to it's beach. It probably the whitest sand beach I have ever been on. I promise you, you will not wanna leave

  • Egbert Irving

    Egbert Irving


    Lovely lil place. Perfect to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet. Not for the needed traveller though.

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