Anguilla General Post Office i The Valley

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

The Valley Road, 2640, The Valley, AI Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-497-2528
Latitude: 18.2112385, Longitude: -63.0534848
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Kommentar 5

  • Alecia nisbett

    Alecia nisbett


  • Siddiqah O.

    Siddiqah O.


    Went to pick up ezone shipment was there over an hour and the post office wasn't even crowded. When I asked the customs officer at the desk to explain the charges she got upset and started raising her voice as she explained. Then after rolled her eyes. I stated that this my my first time picking up a shipment and I just wanted to understand what I was paying for. She was rude and isn't a good representative for Customs, the post office or Anguilla. When a foreigner comes to your country and your employees that deal with the public are disrespectful we remember that and we share our experiences.

  • lionel eric

    lionel eric


    Line for Home Shopping and custom too long

  • Illidge Richardson

    Illidge Richardson


  • Harold Ogolo

    Harold Ogolo


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