Tradition Sailing Charters i Sandy Ground

Åben kort
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5218 Sandy Ground, Sandy Ground 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-476-7245
Latitude: 18.2027184, Longitude: -63.0901443
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Kommentar 4

  • Bob Boonstra

    Bob Boonstra


    Fantastic cruise. Laurie and Deb are a wonderful crew and a joy to be with. Laurie helped a 9yo girl take the helm for much of the sail, which made her day. Don't miss Deb's cookies (and rum punch). Can't wait to sail with them again!

  • Sherwin Richardson

    Sherwin Richardson


  • Pat Lynch

    Pat Lynch


    Such an excellent time! We've done the sunset cruise, a half day cruise and a private charter. Captain Laurie & Deb take great care of us every time and the boat is a fantastic specimen full of history. Don't miss the opportunity to sail on Tradition.

  • ianache ionut

    ianache ionut


    live band on the bar... good sax music

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