Fruity Web i The Valley

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🕗 Åbningstider

POB I4013, The Quarter, AI2640, The Valley 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-235-4204
Latitude: 18.213972, Longitude: -63.048201
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Kommentar 5

  • Trevor Queeley

    Trevor Queeley


    The simple look and kaleidoscope of smoothie options keeps my visits regular. The vegetarian meals on off will knock your socks off; a true Caribbean offer of dishes.

  • aaDigital Solutions

    aaDigital Solutions


    They got them fresh and smooth. Follow Google Map will lead the way, no fuss, no muss...

  • judah christian

    judah christian


    A great place to get fruits and smoothies they also do lunch and one of the best places for vegetarian to go.

  • Angelo Alaimo

    Angelo Alaimo


    Love this place !Best smoothies on the island! Very friendly staff!!

  • TMan



    We were on the Island for 2 weeks and It took us a while to find this spot for healthy snacks and meals. A definite change of taste from the Island's heavy meat and potato dishes, and one can only afford so much seafood. Now, Fruity Web can easily be found on Google, Yay!!

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