Elvis Beach Bar i Sandy Ground

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Sandy Ground 2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1 264-498-0101
Hjemmeside: www.elvisbeachbar.org
Latitude: 18.2032636, Longitude: -63.0911606
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Kommentar 5

  • Trevor Queeley

    Trevor Queeley


    Great chill spot! Good people as well. Must stop on your visit.

  • Ryan Diegelmann

    Ryan Diegelmann


    Great spot to get some drinks and Mexican food on the beach. We hung out for a few hours at the bar and chatted with the owners, Bret and Elvis. Great vibes and cool atmosphere.

  • The Lokiman

    The Lokiman


    Cold beer good tunes. Crazy delicious fish tacos unrivalled sunsets definitely the spot to be.

  • Gracie Rios Morales

    Gracie Rios Morales


    My favorite bar in Anguilla! Very relaxed and low key. Great drinks (great rum punch and piña coladas), food and company. We met Brett and Elvis while sipping on cocktails and overlooking the beautiful harbor. Hungry? Get the fish tacos with rice and beans!! If you want a low key hang out spot go during the day. At night it’s more of a party place! :)

  • Andy Connor

    Andy Connor


    Elvis is the greatest! This was my hangout spot for a long time. Right on the beach in Sandy Ground it's one of the best places for drinks of every kind and great company from The King himself!

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