Dads Beach Bar AI

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2640, Anguilla
Kontakter telefon: +1-264
Latitude: 18.2018056, Longitude: -63.0906139
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Kommentar 5

  • Southern Chan

    Southern Chan


    The fries, fish, and ribs are awesome and the staff are very welcoming too

  • Theo Smith

    Theo Smith


    Owner Have NO Respect For His Staff 🙅

  • Paul Byler

    Paul Byler


    Awesome place to hangout. Good vibes, and the fellow running the place is very accommodating.

  • Andy Connor

    Andy Connor


    It's right there on Sandy Ground where all the action happens. They have a good lobster salad and make good grilled lobster too. Dad's is the place to go if you want to dance, hear live music or a DJ sometimes.

  • Brian Bacot

    Brian Bacot


    Very nice food. The staff is friendly and familiar. The view and location is amazing and you can easily explore the surroundings from this location or just watch people as you enjoy your beverage in the shade.

Nærmeste Bar:

Elvis Beach Bar

Sandy Ground
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